Featured Profiles maximize your business’ exposure by guaranteeing you premium placement throughout The Bash. Show off your business, target your profile, and be seen more by the 30,000 prospective clients that visit our site daily!
What Are Featured Profiles?
Featured Profiles are ad spaces that show up above search results in the city and category combination of your choosing. They're great if you are looking to get your business more visibility in a certain area and/or category. Vendors with a Featured Profile receive an average of 4X more leads and an average of 50% more bookings. Pricing for a Featured Profile varies depending on the category, location, and duration that you choose (anywhere from 1 to 12 months), but they start at just $10 per month!
As soon as you purchase a Featured Profile, we recommend adding a custom description, otherwise default copy will appear. You can also add a unique photo, different from your profile photo, to help you stand out even more! Take a look at Featured Profiles live on The Bash:
Featured Spotlights
With a Featured Profile, you'll also get a Spotlight! Spotlights allow you to tell potential clients more about your business and are placed just below search results on the same page as your Featured Profiles.
Simply answer two questions from our questionnaire to tell clients more about you and your business, how you got started, how long you've been gigging, and more.
Please note: Spotlights are reviewed by our Account Services team before going live.
Secure Your Spot
For your convenience, you have the option to opt into automatic renewal to assure that you don't lose your placement. Keep in mind, Featured Profiles are limited to 4 spots per search results page on a first come, first serve basis.
On the Manage Featured Profiles page, you can manage your Featured Profile renewal, customize your Featured Profile with a unique photo and description, and create your spotlight.
Featured Profile purchases carry a 14-day money-back guarantee. If you're not fully satisfied, you can get a full refund within the 14-day period.
If you have any questions or need assistance with Featured Profiles, please feel free to reach out to us by email anytime!